"A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be." (Wayne Gretzky)

"The essence of strategy is choosing what not to do." (Michael E. Porter)

"Decipher the weak signals from your competitive arena; learn from them; avoid blindspots. (...) Competitive intelligence is not information: it is perspective." (Ben Gilad)

Where: Polo Fibonacci;        When: Tuesday, 14-16 (FIB_L1) + Friday, 09-11 (FIB_L1)      <--- 44 STUDENTS ENROLLED & 14 TEAMS

Project Partners: ErrequadroGate

The course is fully taught in English and students are from very different BSc backgrounds: Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Management Engineering, Business & Economics. Therefore, the project teams are really multi-disciplinary

Individual assignements: deadline on Nov. 23

SCI-MIAMI & 11:10 teams will present & discuss their projects on Feb. 7

JUMP, VOLO, SUN, iCUBE will present & discuss on March, 27

For the 2018 plenary session, click here